Guidelines for students

1. Every Student must come to school clean and in the prescribed uniform.
2. The following must be specifically ensured:
a) ForGirls- Hair should be neatly kept, long hair should be tied back or braided as per length.

b) For Boys - Hair should be neat, tidy and short with no styles.
3. Nails should be clipped.
4. Heena should not be applied on the hands.
5. Girls should not wear any jewellery except simple ear-rings.
6. Shoes should be polished regularly.
7. Low waist and narrow bottoms (mori) in school full pants are strictly prohibited.


1. All must consider it their special responsibility to keep the school clean.
2. Every student should be particularly careful to avoid throwing waste paper, fruit peels, lollipop and ice-cream sticks etc. out of the windows or on the School grounds. Students should use dustbins for throwing waste.
3. Use of polythene bags is banned in the school.


1. All are expected to be in school before 8.30 a.m. in winter and 7.45 a.m. in summer.
2. At the first bell the Students should proceed briskly and in silence to the place of Assembly. Students not in position by the second bell will be considered late.
3. A record will be maintained of late attendance in the school diary.
4. Students habitually coming late to school will be sent home.


1. Special care must be taken by teachers and Students to preserve an atmosphere of silence during School hours.
2. Strict silence must also be maintained outside the Principal's Office, Staff Room, Library and in the corridors.


1. When moving along corridors, from one class to another, the rule is always: Keep to the left, walk in single row and in silence. Running inside the building is forbidden.
2. No child is permitted to leave class during class hours except for some very urgent reason and with due permission.
3. No Student is permitted to leave School premises during the recess or otherwise, except with the written permission of the Principal.
4. No Student is permitted to enter the Staff Room.
5. Students will not be allowed to use the School telephone without the permission of the Principal. Permission will be given only in very urgent cases.
6. No money collection for any purpose whatsoever may be made in the school without the permission of the Principal.
7. The school will not be responsible for students who buy snacks from hawkers outside the School gate.
8. No Student is permitted to bring mobiles, I-pods, pen-drives or any other electronic gadgets to the school.
9. No Student is allowed to bring/park any vehicle in the school campus. Strict action will be taken against defaulters.

Care of School Property

1. Students must take special care of School property, i.e. furniture, apparatus, equipment etc. with the understanding that we respect whatever does not belong to us. Any damage done to School property must be made good.
2. Students must take care of their personal property as the School authorities will not be responsible for any loss of watches, ornaments, money, books etc.

Behaviour outside School

1. Every student should remember that behavior in School and outside is a reflection of both his/her home and school. He/she ought to conduct himself/herself in a manner worthy of the dignity of a child of God and a Student of the Sri Sai Baba International Public School.
2. Students are not permitted to wear the School uniform or blazer at any function outside the school unless they are representing the School.


1. Children shall always greet their teachers, elders and friends in a pleasant and audible tone of voice, wherever and whenever they meet in School or outside. This trait reveals a charming testimony of the quality of a child.
2. Children should, while speaking to one another, always avoid the use of slang, loud talk and common expressions that ill befit a child. They must take care never to interrupt anyone who is talking.
3. They shall be docile in their obedience to their parents and teachers, always give them the respect and affection that is their due and must accept their guidance with gratitude.
4. A student should live in joy and confidence in God and with simplicity and harmony to live as one great family under Him.
5. Children will consider it a privilege to be of service to anyone in need of assistance.